Your comments

This is part why I don't want to spend a whole lot of time and money on Tellmon, since I'll not only be competing with Telldus soon, but also totally reliant on their API and that it's free. At any time they can revoke my API key or start demanding some compensation for Tellmon (ab)using their services.
The number of Tellmon users with an energy meter from FooGadgets is very low. I don't make them, don't get any money from sales and have no control over them. Why should I invest hundreds of hours in an app I might sell 10 copies of?
Unless someone else makes something similar, then probably not.
Cookies are not shared between browsers. So if it was a cookie-problem simply trying another browser or even running chrome/ie/firefox or what ever in "privacy mode" would solve the issue. Cookies are used as a session identifier to persist your authentication so you don't have to re-login on every page load. The site requires that function to work.

Even without cookies you should always get the front page, since that does not require authentication. Also people with connectivity issues cannot reach any of the other web sites on the same server either (test or

That it works from an iOS device on the same network is really interesting though.
It's not moving much forward. I don't have time to use on the site right now. I have lots of plans and ideas, just not the time to implement them.
The min value is the lowest value logged by the sensor in the time span you are watching. I guess you had a period of nice weather and a 0 was logged .
Fixed. Thank you for reporting this error.
When I first tried it, it worked fine (see below), but when I extended the date range further back I got the error as well.
The server error is: "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime". Will look further into it.

Can you provide the username (email) you use to logon to Tellmon with? I need that to debug further. I can see in the logs that it crashes on:

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value

Have you renamed a sensor lately? Perhaps with some finnish letters or similar?
I'm trying to get help from the pfSense (my firewall) forum in a thread over here: