Error 400: Bad request
Trying to graph a temperature and humidity reading from a spesific sensor, other than default sensor selection 1. & 2. when the app prompts error msg described in the topic. Logged out, tried to graph at different daytimes, still the same result. Worked fine for 2 weeks
Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago
Fixed. Thank you for reporting this error.
Under review
Can you provide the username (email) you use to logon to Tellmon with? I need that to debug further. I can see in the logs that it crashes on:
Unexpected character encountered while parsing value
Have you renamed a sensor lately? Perhaps with some finnish letters or similar?
Unexpected character encountered while parsing value
Have you renamed a sensor lately? Perhaps with some finnish letters or similar?
The username is vesa.auervirta@gmail.com.
Normally I use the Tellmon app "Sensors" this way:
First I unselect the sensor offered by the app by default: Sensor "1. Ulkolämpötila (temp)" and "1. Ulkolämpötila (humidity)".
Next I select sensor "4. AT Tuloilma kenno (temp)" and "4. AT Tuloilma kenno (humidity)".
The error appears right after I click the selection square in front of "4. AT Tuloilma kenno (temp).
I have renamed sensor names about the time I started with Tellmon, but Tellmon has worked fine until these days as theError 400 appeared.
Would it be worth making a small change in a sensor name causing the error, or do you want to trace this error before any changes? Both ways are fine for me. I am not in a hurry with this matter.
The username is vesa.auervirta@gmail.com.
Normally I use the Tellmon app "Sensors" this way:
First I unselect the sensor offered by the app by default: Sensor "1. Ulkolämpötila (temp)" and "1. Ulkolämpötila (humidity)".
Next I select sensor "4. AT Tuloilma kenno (temp)" and "4. AT Tuloilma kenno (humidity)".
The error appears right after I click the selection square in front of "4. AT Tuloilma kenno (temp).
I have renamed sensor names about the time I started with Tellmon, but Tellmon has worked fine until these days as theError 400 appeared.
Would it be worth making a small change in a sensor name causing the error, or do you want to trace this error before any changes? Both ways are fine for me. I am not in a hurry with this matter.
When I first tried it, it worked fine (see below), but when I extended the date range further back I got the error as well.
The server error is: "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime". Will look further into it.
The server error is: "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime". Will look further into it.
The problem was disappeared today (Wed 25.5.2015). One sensor name includes scands so the error came from somewhere else. Please inform if the problem was generated due to misuse of Tellmon. Thank you.
Oh, you had solved this already. Posted a comment without refreshing the discussion first. Sorry and thank you a lo!
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