Under review

Will there be another Tellmon like service after Sptember 1st 2015?

A B 10 years ago updated by Niclas Forslund 10 years ago 4
I wonder what we are going to do with this FooGadget energy monitor after Tellmon will be shut down...
Under review
Unless someone else makes something similar, then probably not.
That's too bad. If I were you, I would make a mobile app for ios & android just for energy display (if not for all tellmon functionality. I would purchase such an app.
The number of Tellmon users with an energy meter from FooGadgets is very low. I don't make them, don't get any money from sales and have no control over them. Why should I invest hundreds of hours in an app I might sell 10 copies of?
I have been in contact with Telldus regarding a solution for this. It is in the works.