
Data for rain

Per Söderman 10 years ago updated by Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago 12
Hi Pål

Can you check why I dont get any rain data in graph, what ever span day week or month in chosen date shows 1970-01-01. Will it be possible to add rtot and rrate until you solved the calculation to show rain data as we discussed in earlier case?

Also in settings there we can set type of sensors I cant delete or hide old not in use sensors. Can we get an automatic function that these can be hidden?

Under review
Tellmon gets the sensor/device list from Telldus via their API. You can logon to live.telldus.com and "hide" old sensors and devices there. Should reflect on Tellmon as well.

I'll take a look at the rain data stuff when I have the time. 
That have I already done but they are not hidden under Sensor settings in Tellmon so can you look into this as well.
Here are the active sensors in telldus
rest can be removed from tellmon settings sensors page

Hi Pål, any chance you can look into this soon?

Does seeing old "sensors" under sensor settings really bother you that much? I figure this to be a small nuisance, am I wrong? 
No this is a very small issue around old sensors. Any progress around rain data?
Hi Pål

Any luck or chance to look into why I still get 19700101 in graph for my rain sensors?
Rain sensors should work again now. 
Great news its working fine now 😄
Hi Pål

can you check why Rain min value is set to zero?

The min value is the lowest value logged by the sensor in the time span you are watching. I guess you had a period of nice weather and a 0 was logged .