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Under review

Add support for IFTTT.com (if this then that)

Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 0
I have applied to IFTTT to have a channel created. But I know that Tellmon has done that several times already without getting any response. Also that is something that really should be done against Telldus and not Tellmon. But what ever works, right?

What I can however is create a custom rss-feed for each trigger you want, and then you can use the "Feed" channel of IFTTT to trigger actions.

It would be like this:
1. On tellmon.net you define a monitor:
   Trigger: Channel temp of sensor 123456 < 0 °C
   Action: Send email "It's freezing" to someone@somewhere.com
   Reset trigger: Channel temp of sensor 123456 > 2 °C
    Reset action: Send email "It's hot again" to someone@somewhere.com

In addition every monitor created will have a unique URL you can add to the IFTTT's feed channel. It will be something like this:


It will return nothing if the trigger conditions are not met. If met it will return a single item with the timestamp, value and trigger conditions specified. You can then use this channel to chain events in IFTTT.

One limitation of this is that IFTTT will only poll for new trigger values once every 15 minutes (this is a limit set by IFTTT). So your IFTTT triggers will be up to 15 minutes delayed.


Can I export my sensor data?

Magnus Tjerneld 10 years ago updated by dr TM 9 years ago 5

Thanks for a great service! I would love to be able to export my sensor data to csv or equivalent format, so that I can correlate the values with other information.

Is this already possible? Otherwise - please consider it for future updates!
Under review

I cannot connect to the tellmon.net site from many different networks. Tracert to the Tellmon server is always following the same path but most of the times the server does not seen to repond and it finally displays "This page can’t be displayed".

Jos Kögeler 9 years ago updated by A B 9 years ago 59
I cannot connect to the tellmon.net site from many different LANs. After waiting a while the bowser (any browser) displays "This page can’t be displayed". A tracert to the tellmon.net site displays the same path no matter if it is working or not, so DNS is not a problem.) Firewall seems not likely either
Any ideas?

Add public profile page (expose chosen sensors)

Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago updated by Ulf Michael Skogeng 9 years ago 3
Allow user to select sensors to expose on a public page. Show exposed sensors, some text, images, web cam links etc to allow user to create a "weather station" type page for example for a family cabin.

Please keep the Tellmon service open!

Örjan 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1
I just read the Tellmon service will be closing down. I just wanted to express how valuable this service is to me. And to say thank you for this year. I'm clearly willing to pay for this service. I hope you find some way to keep the service open!
Under review

Add support for notifications/alarms

Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago updated by Per Söderman 10 years ago 5
Add support for email, sms or other push type notifications on sensor limits.
Type send email to some address when temp channel of sensor X is below limit Y.
Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago
There seems to be a bug where some sensors have their channel data missing. I've corrected your alarms by adding the "temp" channel. Looking into it.
Under review

Alerts based on device status

A B 10 years ago updated by Magnus Hellberg 10 years ago 3
Pretty straight forward. Adding some conditioners would be great, such:

  • combine more device's states
  • combine device state with sensor value
  • combine more sensors
Under review

Is it possible to add wattage of devices?

Srdjan 10 years ago updated by Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago 0
Since all my devices are lights or heaters, and I know exact wattage of every one of them, it will be nice to have option to edit wattage of device, and graph that data with total consumption? Something like temperature..
Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago
I'll leave it as a suggestion. If more people vote for the feature I might add it.

support for scheduling devices?

Lars Christian 10 years ago updated by Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago 0
Add support for scheduling devices? Would be great to have one website which does 'everything'

Several sensor graphs in one diagram

Per Jonsson 10 years ago updated by Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago 5
I would like to be able to group related sensors in one diagram for analysis. For example to compare humidity outdoors, in my basement and attic. To compare outdoors temperature, indoors temperature and heating system and so on.
Pål Andreassen (CTO) 10 years ago
Support for multiple sensors on same graph has been added.