
Logging of doorbell

Tor Myrhaug 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 4
Would be nice to be able to log everytime somone is pushing the doorbell (Nexa Wireless doorbell). This way it is possible to monitor activity when I am vacation.
Under review
Have you tried? I just bought a Nexa magnetic switch and it logs every time my front door is opened and closed. I would expect the doorbell to work similarly. You will need to add the doorbell to your telldus live devices using the (learning command).
Sorry for the late reply. I have tried this, and it does not work. I think the difference is that a magnetic switch is sending on and off signals, while the doorbell is only sending on... So the log only shows the status on all the time.
Right. In order to save space and money Tellmon only logs new values when they actually change. That's why the door-bell does not log more than the first time. Can you verify that you have one entry logged so that we know the device at least works? 
It does not seem to log after the first learning/scan. Need to work on the setup maybe.