Your comments

I have been in contact with Telldus regarding a solution for this. It is in the works.
Telldus is working on a similar solution. I do not know when it will be available.
I am also offering my help. I have offered my help before.
I think your tellmon-service is an excellent product! And I fully understand the lack of time Pål.
The WPC works just fine. It is reporting data as it should.

The calculations of the energy and power from the new protocol is still wrong.
The calculations of the energy and power for the old protocol is OK as long as a electric meter is used that emits 1000imp/kWh.

Än electric meter with 10000imp/kWh is still off by a factor of 100.
The WPC is working just fine with

What David Norman is asking about is when the NEW protocol (that is also used in the WPC) will be working in

The reason why he asks is because the graphs from his WPC does not make sense, and he suspects a compatibility problem. He have an energy meter that blinks 10000imp/kWh and thus he puts the number 10 in when configuring the WPC in After a chat session it seems like the problem is actually that the graph show the wrong scale.

Here is the raw data from the WPC sensorID 70. 1 period = 4096 detected pulses,

A rough calculation can be made by splitting the graph in two parts.
On the left side in this graph, one can see that in a snippet of the graph there have passed about 5 periods during 4 hours => 5periods * 4096pulses / 4h = 5100 registered pulses per hour in average.
This corresponds to 5100/10000kWh=0.51kWh energy consumption per hour from 11 to about 6 o'clock in the morning.
At 6p'clock the energy consumption seem to increase. Then it passes about 6 periods during 2 hours => about 12000 pulses/hour => 1.2kWh per hour from 6 to 11 o'clock.
The summarised consumption during this 24 hours is then 19 * 0.51kWh + 5 * 1,2kWh = 15,7kWh for the last 24 hours. According to David this is a very likely power consumption in his house.

So in the graph generated from we should expect the following:
From 11 to 6 o'clock a consumption of about 0.5kWh per hour. From about 6 to 11 o'clock the energy consumption should increase to about 1-1.2kWh per hour.

So lets have a look in the graph generated by for a electric meter giving 10000imp/kWh,

Here we can see that the scale to the left is off by a factor of 100. In the graph 50kW should instead be 0.5kW.

I am pretty sure that the reason for this is because the calculations are wrong. Instead of dividing by 10, Tellmon is multiplying by 10.

People having the most common energy meter with 1000imp/kWh, will not notice this problem, since a multiplication with 1 gives the same result as division by 1.

Pål: You need to look into your equations and make sure you divide by 10 and not multiply by 10.
Regarding the non-working WPC-unit: From the data you sent me (14/6) I suspect that when you tried it with a remote controller, the surrounding light was too bright. Retest with the remote and WPC in a dark room or similar setup.

Long post, but I hope that it has become clearer.
Sorry for forgetting to mention this "feature" earlier.

Another good thing to know is that since the data field is 12-bits long the maximum number that the Wireless Energy meter can transmit is 4095.

However, I think this will be enough in most cases.
... and I got the important statement wrong :/ 
"It is the TotalEnergi-formula that should be used and there there is a factor 60 involved."

This should of course be,
"It is the TotalEnergi-formula that should be used and there there is NOT a factor 60 involved."
Here is the (latest) formulas that I sent to Pål.
The first show how one calculate the Total consumed Energy by summing the incoming numbers and get the result in kWh.
The second show how one calculate the current power consumption during the last minute in kW.

---------------------start snippet----------------
TotalEnergi = Startvärde + Sum(temperaturN*10)/1000
Startvärde är något man kan tänka sig att kunden vill lägga till så att mätvärdet i graferna stämmer med var elmätaren visar. Ska anges i kWh. Det lägger man till vid ett tillfälle. Samma tillfälle som man anger att den här temperatursensorn egentligen är en energimätare.
Sum() summerar inkomna värden, typ "sumWh += temp*10;"
Resultat i kWh.

Pmomentan = Temp*10/1000*60*60/(Time_now - Time_previous)
Temp är inkomna temperaturen
60/(Time_now - Time_previous) är en faktor som behöver läggas till eftersom varje blinkdetektor har olika sändningsintervall. Det skiljer sig med kanske +-2 sekunder. Intervallet är också beroende på batterispänning och chipets temperatur.
Resultat i kW
---------------------end snippet----------------

So I think the confusion is in the last post from Pål above, where you Pål state, "...I need to multiply by 60 to convert from Watt-minute to Watt-hours..." and then refer to my formula that calculate Power (W).
It is the TotalEnergi-formula that should be used and there there is a factor 60 involved.

...and it might be me who is the source of it, since I answered an email from Pål where he wanted me to review a formula for Power. I confirmed it was OK. However I did not see until now that it stated result in kWh <-- did not note this.

I hope I got that right now so that I do not confuse this even more :)

Excellent work you have done Pål! The site looks great and I am sure a lot of people will appreciate your service!

Edit: What I have forgotten to include is the compensation factor for if the energy meter is blinking once per Wh or 10 times per Wh or whatever. This is however just a factor to include in the formulas.