Under review

Rainsensor - time issue

Frank Lippert 10 years ago updated by Per Söderman 10 years ago 18
I have a problem with the Rainsensor on my telldus.net - all other sensors (temperature) works very well.

The actual data is correct, but the timegraph has no funktion. The issue is the date and time range - year is allways 1970.

pease can you help me?

Thank you.  
Under review

I don't have a rain sensor myself so I'm having difficulty testing this, but I'll have a look at your data and see what I find. My guess is that the rain sensors only send data when it's raining (probably each time the bucket is full and tips). If no data is logged (no rain) during the time you look (day, week, month) the graph has nothing to plot and I expect that is why you get the 1970 timestamp (a time value of 0 in javascript equals 1/1/1970 00:00:00)
Hi, I have same issue even after rain has been logged in telldus-live its still show 19700101 in tellmon.nets graph. I also have a temp sensor which has ´been running some time that even this shows no data in graph.

Tempsensor data was available so its only rain sensors data that have this data issue.
Any findings about this rain issue?
Hi Pål

Here you can see 2 images, first one you can see that rain (Regn Fejan) has been logged with tot 23.1 but in second images no data is logged for graph.

Any findings around missing rain data?

I'm away on holiday and will not be able to look at it until I'm back.
I have the same issue with my Oregon rain and wind sensor. Maybe these sensor types are not supported?
The rain sensor reports data "rrate" and "rtot", I guess it is just "rrate" that should be logged by Tellmon, "rtot" will just rise.
The wind sensor reports data "wavg", "wgust" and "wdir", where "wavg" is the most interesting to log but all would be nice.
Tellmon only logs and displays what ever data is received by Telldus Live. It therefore supports those devices that functions on Telldus Live. Supported sensors sends the data to your tellstick device which sends them to Telldus which sends it to Tellmon.

If the Oregon sensors works with Telldus Live it should work with Tellmon as well. If not there is really nothing I can do. It should start working if and when Telldus starts supporting it.

Both sensors from oregon supports by telldus live so I hope you can fix graph data asap.

It is raining and is a bit windy in Stockholm right now, so you can have a look at incoming data for my sensors "Hemma Regn" and "Hemma Vind". The "Data" column in Tellmon is reporting the  correct current reading, but the graph does not plot anything (but select the correct sensor values in the dropdown; two for the rain sensor and three for wind)
Can you have a try now? The channel names reported via the push API (that sends the data) and Telldus Live API for rain sensors did not match. One uses 'rrate' and the other 'rain rate'. One uses 'rtotal' and the other 'rain total'. Now I support them both.
Excellent, now my rain sensor work.
Not my wind sensor though. The channel names for it (as shown in the current reading column) seems to be wavg, wgust and wdir.
The same problem was for the wind sensors as well. Wind direction does not seem to work though. Perhaps that's not supported.
live.telldus.com shows the direction (mapped from degrees to "ESE" for example), but maybe their API does not support it then.  But I'm happy with what I get now - thanks Pål!
Great now I also get graph data for rain but SUM seems not be correct! Check for Fejan in db and there you can see over 10000 mm??
Sum does not give any meaning for rain sensors. Summing rain rate or rain total (which is already summed) makes no sense. 
I agree about sum so why even have this as it dont make any sense for rain, temp or wind?
